Anti-Aging dentistry

Many people do not realize that yellow, worn, asymmetrical and missing teeth negatively affect not only their appearance, but also how old they look. This reduces overall well-being and joy of life. Patients often state that before aesthetic corrections they were afraid to smile or hid their mouth with their hand. I am happy when I can give my patients their smile back or create a brand new one for them, thereby restoring their healthy self-esteem. Today's dentistry is vastly different from that of the past. Our work is painless, precise, faster and more efficient. Put bad experiences from the past or from your childhood behind you. In our clinic, we use the latest technology and the best materials. All-ceramic veneers or crowns look indistinguishable from your own teeth. We always strive to ensure your smile looks as natural as possible. Healthy teeth reduce wrinkles and add fullness to the face. Having beautiful and healthy teeth means success – success at work, among other people and in your personal and professional life.

MUDr. Lukáš Krupička

What is anti-aging dentistry?

Loss of collagen, decreased muscle tone, and aggravated (worn down) bite can cause wrinkles around the mouth and lips. The loss of teeth can even cause the lower third of the face to sag altogether. Anti-aging dentistry is an aesthetic procedure performed on the lower part of the face to restore fullness to the lips, cheeks and reverse the signs of aging. It is a natural facelift adjusting the correct bite height and fullness of the teeth.