Dental hygiene

Having healthy teeth is not that difficult, which is why we put emphasis on prevention. Instruction on proper dental hygiene, choosing the right toothbrush, and regular tartar removal will help you maintain healthy teeth and extend the life of fillings, dental prosthesis, and implants. Under the supervision of an experienced dental hygienist, you will learn proper dental hygiene techniques so you can take an active role in the well-being of your teeth.

In our special program for parents with children, we try to prevent the fear of dental treatment in child patients. Regular visits to the dental hygienist should become a part of routine for everyone who cares about their health, especially for patients with a genetic predisposition to periodontitis. The doctor's eye cannot spot every cavity, which is why our preventive checkups include diagnostic X-rays. We use the latest low-dose machines that reliably show even incipient interdental cavities with high resolution.