Laser treatment
Laser treatment is an essential part of our care. It is used for sterilization and preparation of root canals, periodontal disinfection, gum surgery, bleeding control during surgical procedures, teeth whitening and preparation of soft tissues of the oral cavity. The advantages of laser treatment are lower doses of anaesthesia, shorter healing time and less pain, disinfection of mechanically inaccessible areas, little to no bleeding and antibacterial and biostimulating effect of the laser beam.
Root canal treatment
The laser beam can access areas inaccessible to mechanical instruments and disinfectant solutions, killing bacteria and smoothing the canal wall. This accelerates the healing of the inflammation and prepares the root canal for subsequent filling.
Compared to conventional periodontal treatments, laser treatment of periodontal spines leaves the root surface smoother and kills bacteria causing bone loss up to 4 mm deep and suppresses inflammatory symptoms and bleeding. Studies have also described less pain after laser treatment in comparison with standard procedures.
In implantology, the laser is used to expose healed implants and to treat peri-implantitis.
In surgery, the hemostatic and decontaminating effect of the laser is irreplaceable in the removal of tongue-ties, tumors, stains, enlarged gums and crown lengthening. It is also essential for preprosthetic surgery.
The laser beam decontaminates the surface of blisters caused by herpes simplex virus infection, accelerates healing and relieves pain. With the application of a low-intensity laser, blood circulation increases, which improves the metabolism of the treated tissues.